Course Takeaways

Course Curriculum
Module One: Intro to Mating
Attraction is a powerful force in life. Here you will discover the driving force behind your attractions and work with a template for intentionally selecting partners or working with the expression of your current partner. You’ll also be guided to create clear boundaries and even learn which dirty words heat things up for you.
Module Two: The Mind
Sex begins in the mind and the lessons in this module will reveal the beliefs that are preventing you from experiencing the satisfying sex you long for. You’ll also discover how to improve your self-image and turn up the dial on self-love as foundations to a sexy vibe.
Module Three: The Body
Understanding how your body works is key to unlocking the door to more sexual satisfaction. Learn how your nervous system and hormones affect your libido along with ways to bring balance to these systems. In this module, Gina also shares insights on orgasms and pleasure responses that will stimulate healthy conversations between you and your partner.
Module Four: The Connection: Increasing Intimacy
Steamy foreplay is an essential aspect of steamy sex. In this module, Gina offers a wealth of insight on how to bring more excitement and spice to your sex life with her three-layered approach to foreplay. These lessons will get your creativity flowing and open a greater understanding of your erotic desires.
Module Five: Sextra Manifesting
Sexual manifesting begins with your magnetic attraction. It’s all about your vibe and in these lessons, Gina will walk you through processes to embrace more empowering thoughts and teach you how to develop your sense of sexuality by focusing on the present moment.

About Gina Mae

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